My beloved Ma

Ma I want to see you with your bejeweled crown
Sitting on your throne royal
With all the precious stones adorning you
And your face glowing with exquisite divine beauty
Before I breathe my last ….

Ma I want to see you reigning supreme
Over the worlds that can be seen as well as unseen
I want to see you glowing with pride
Over the triumphs of your children
Before I breathe my last ….

Ma I want to see the best of modern and ancient in your lap
Playing with each other with delight
I want to see the sun, the moon and the stars vying with each other to get your attention
There is abundance, prosperity, warmth and kinship amongst all your children
Before I breathe my last …

This is what I dream about you
My beloved mother
That there is no other better than you in this entire world
You are the best, the greatest and the grandest
You are the one whom everyone turns to for comfort, wisdom & vision
This is what I dream about you, my beloved motherland

And I want to see you this way, before I breathe my last …


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