Pain and Love

Pain and Love

I had once asked Guruji "Why is there so much pain in love" ? HE had replied "Only Knowledge can alleviate pain !" A very small question and an equally small answer for the uninitiated , but those who are on the Path, would understand the infinity that it conveys ! True, that spirituality brings to you the heights of bliss, joy and love , you can experience the atoms of love you are made up with, and yet at the same time, the path is fraught with challenges of emotional disturbances, heart aches , frustrations, disappointments and so on... It is that much polarized and perhaps it is designed that way so that we can go through this cathartic experience to enable the Knowledge to blossom on a ripe soil.. Yet when the small mind takes over the big mind, then nothing seems to work.. all that takes precedence in the consciousness is the utter frustration , hopelessness and loneliness.. Any kind of duality is painful, there is nothing more painful in this world when you feel divided from inside.. when there is a tug of war inside you.. when you understand again & again that you lost your awareness ! it is perhaps the greatest fortune or misfortune (either way you look at it) for a seeker tsuddenly become congnizant of the fact that he/she completely lost awareness for a period of time to be immersed in some feverishness of the head ! Atleast for me , there is no other defeat that brings greater misery ! That is where the Guru is so important.. HIS love, HIS grace keeps you covered and protected and ensures that it is never toooo much.. The water can rise up to the nose but can never go overboard.. Over past few weeks ups & downs that I am going through due to various reasons - some internal and some external - I have felt HIM ever so closer to me .. It is as if HIS hand is always over my head.. Whatever I was seeking at any given point of time, HE answered in His own unique style, sometimes through daily quotes, sometimes through knowledge sheet, sometimes through his articles which reached my inbox, sometimes through Ashtavakra Gita commentary , sometimes through Bhgwad Gita ,sometimes through experiences in Sadhana or Satsang or sometimes just through "flashes of insight and knowledge" which are soo profound.. Had I not gone through the upheavals, I would not have gained this depth to my personality as well... Joy brings expansion in us, but without pain there is no depth.. But beyond everything in this world, it is the Love of the Master that nourishes us, uplifts us.. It is most fulfilling experience in this world to know that the Master is always with you and you are deeply loved by Him..


Priya said…
Heartfelt!....Keep writing :)
Feel the same :)

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