War Cry
War Cry
I received this forward from a friend and I cringed in horror and revulsion !

We are so blinded by our own narrow definitions of misery that we cant even comprehend the horror and pain of violent deaths. Terrorism has bred in this world , thanks to the myopic views of very selfish and rich nations and persons in this world. Inefficiency, corruption shallow greed and hunger for power are the real reasons for terrorism, not religion !
There is no reason in this world which is strong enough to justify wars. Because no nation in this world has such missile system which has 100% accuracy ! Before we justify any war, ask ourselves this simple question - Is it still justified , if I had to pay the price of the life of the beloved one ?
Today the world is almost coming to standstill because of terrorism and anti-terrorism. It is not long that the virtual shield we have created amongst ourselves will fall apart revealing the demons within and outside. We can either keep our eyes closed till that time or wake up. The choice is ours !
*** I have deleted most of the pics because my sensibility did not permit to fwd such ghastly pictures !